Regardez ce meuble – table et chaise de salon en un!
En vivant dans cette société de consommation il devient de plus en plus important de préserver de la place. En même temps nous sommes tous à la recherche de l’originalité – dans notre façon de penser, dans notre apparence, dans notre travail… et bien sur dans notre design d’intérieur. L’ergonomie et l’originalité – ce sont les deux qualités les plus importantes du meuble dont nous allons vous parler aujourd’hui.
Table et chaise de salon en cuir blanc modernes
Il s’agit d-un meuble unique – une combinaison intéressante entre table et chaise de salon. Parce que selon le designer de ce meuble Ellen Estors la versatilité et l’ergonomie sont la mode dans le design d’aujourd’hui. Le style de vie moderne a besoin de design mais un design qui s’ajuste dans les situations et les contextes différents. Au premier regard le design de ce meuble a l’air ordinaire et c’est le cas parce que nous pouvons trouver ce type de formes partout autour de nous. La différence est qu’ici elles se trouvent dans un concept qui nous facilite la vie.
Le meuble de salon multifonctionnel existe en plusieurs coloris
Le meuble constitue une table et chaise de salon en un et peut passer de l’un à l’autre immédiatement et sans aucun effort. Une table, une chaise, un siège pour s’assoir dans un petit bureau – choisissez ce dont vous avez besoin. Ce concept, comme tous les bons concepts d’ailleurs, est très simple – combinaison entre un cube et une sphère. Le meuble est fait à la main à partir de bois de chêne et du cuir. Le petit plus – la balle est remplie de mousse polyéther.
Le meuble est appelé “swiTCh” est le designer nous assure qu’il est très confortable. Existe en plusieurs coloris, regardez!
Ce meuble de salon est confortable et préserve de la place
Plusieurs meubles en un seul
Les boules sont remplies de mousse pour plus de confort
Un meuble original pour une déco de salon moderne
Modern lifestyles requires a versatile design, a design that would fit in different contexts in order to not be wrong when it is actually wrong. When we need to make room for a bookshelf, it should be easy to find a useful, not bothering place for the old one, to seem it belonged there.All these aspects would obviously happen in a perfect world. An example for these scenarios is MORE which we reviewed some time ago, and today we have another one, simpler, yet more dynamic, based on the daily usage of the item. We are talking further on about a chair, made by Ellesco International and designed by the Belgian Designer Ellen Ectors as graduation project from Sint Lukas Brussels. At first the design seems rather common and it is, you find these shapes all over but now they are used in a strong concept which would help our cluttered worlds, make them easier from the design point of view; the piece of furniture can switch instantly without any effort into a chair, table, a seat in which you can relax and a small working place, all in one piece of furniture. This concept, like all the good ones, is very simple; it combines a cube and a sphere. The switch is handmade from a structure of massif oak and leather and the small accent, the ball is filled with polyether foam.[ Read More at © Homesthetics – Inspiring ideas for your home.]
Modern lifestyles requires a versatile design, a design that would fit in different contexts in order to not be wrong when it is actually wrong. When we need to make room for a bookshelf, it should be easy to find a useful, not bothering place for the old one, to seem it belonged there.All these aspects would obviously happen in a perfect world. An example for these scenarios is MORE which we reviewed some time ago, and today we have another one, simpler, yet more dynamic, based on the daily usage of the item.[ Read More at © Homesthetics – Inspiring ideas for your home.]
Modern lifestyles requires a versatile design, a design that would fit in different contexts in order to not be wrong when it is actually wrong. When we need to make room for a bookshelf, it should be easy to find a useful, not bothering place for the old one, to seem it belonged there.All these aspects would obviously happen in a perfect world. An example for these scenarios is MORE which we reviewed some time ago, and today we have another one, simpler, yet more dynamic, based on the daily usage of the item.[ Read More at © Homesthetics – Inspiring ideas for your home.]
Modern lifestyles requires a versatile design, a design that would fit in different contexts in order to not be wrong when it is actually wrong. When we need to make room for a bookshelf, it should be easy to find a useful, not bothering place for the old one, to seem it belonged there.All these aspects would obviously happen in a perfect world. An example for these scenarios is MORE which we reviewed some time ago, and today we have another one, simpler, yet more dynamic, based on the daily usage of the item.[ Read More at © Homesthetics – Inspiring ideas for your home.]